What Happens When the Bus Stops Coming?

calender-icon April 24, 2018
clock-icon 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Location: Palatine High School

Sponsored by:  District 211 Transition Fair – Keynote Speaker
Speaker:   Mary Anne Ehlert, President & Founder, Protected Tomorrows, Inc.

Description: This presentation will be uplifting, interactive and educational, as well as provide a good basic understanding of some important facts. Whether you plan on your child staying in school or moving on to a day program, 2-4 year college, work program, you need to know what is out there.

Topics of discussion include:

  • Transition & Education
  • Employment & Transportation
  • Financial, Benefits & Legal
  • Housing
  • Building a Lifelong Support Network

Be sure to stop by the Protected Tomorrows, Inc., booth and find out about our unique Future Care Planning for your loved one.

For more information contact Mr. Abraham  pabraham@211.org
or call 847-755-1848
