Michelle Garcia-Thomas, Psy.D., PLLC

Michelle Garcia-Thomas, Psy.D., PLLC is a multi-disciplinary behavioral health team that provides on site services across the state of Texas. Services include consultation, testing, counseling, behavior planning, staff and family training, resource building, and workshops. Benefits of working with our team include: • Services that focus on improving overall quality of life • Seamless continuity of care between agencies, professionals, environments, and persons • Personnel with awareness of DADS guidelines and support during audits • Affordable services • Elimination of lengthy transports of individuals. We see the individuals in all of their natural environments and come to your agency and our psychiatric services are offered through telemedicine • Increased input through our team approach to medication management with our psychiatrist • Individualized, user friendly, understandable behavior plans and interventions based on direct observation, staff report, and data collection • Staff training and workshops to improve compliance We are also a practicum site for several universities, an internship program for members of the community who want to volunteer their time, and we remain an active member of the community through participation in various walks, fairs, presentations, etc…