Community Stories

Community Stories
Shared Stories. Shared Strength.
Inspiration and motivation often come from the strength and experiences of others. These stories from caregivers, guardians, and people who themselves have disabilities exist to help others who may be on a similar path. Read about their stories, use their experiences to empower your journey, and consider sharing your own story to help foster a culture of acceptance and growth.
Dreaded Diagnosis
In January 2005, our two-and-a-half-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). About one month later, I began writing about our rocky experience with her symptoms, our doctors, and her eventual diagnosis. I had quite a difficult time completing it and revised it several times. Ultimately, I put it away for a few months. Looking back over the original drafts, I realized how much my story was driven by anger and a “why us?” attitude. One year later, my outlook has changed, and in turn, so has my story. I’d like to share it with you.

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John Bray’s Story: WalMart Cart Handler
Posted on Tuesday January 12, 2016“I’m not autism anymore,” declares John Bray, 22 of Charlotte, NC, “I’m a hard working young man.” John has worked almost two years as a part time WalMart shopping cart handler. He works a varied schedule, about four days and 20 hours a week, both daytime and evening hours.
The American Caregiver Story, One Day at a Time
Posted on Tuesday January 12, 2016“My children BJ & Caytie are now 16-year-olds and were part of a set of quadruplets who were born 3 months premature. Their brothers Andrew and Daniel lived for 6 and 7 days. It is a pain in my soul that I have living reminders of every day.
We’re More Alike Than Different!
Posted on Tuesday January 12, 2016This heartwarming video showcases the amazing stories of individuals with Down syndrome, highlighting how they share the same hopes, dreams, and talents as everyone else. Through their voices, you'll see that despite any differences, we're all striving for the same things in life.
Hippotherapy Success!
Posted on Tuesday January 12, 2016When my parents told me that my brother Jordan, who has Down Syndrome, was going to start horseback riding, I was a bit skeptical. Equestrian activities were something I never would have considered as a possibility for Jordan.
Dreaded Diagnosis
Posted on Tuesday January 12, 2016In January, 2005, our two-and-a-half year old daughter was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). About one month later, I began writing about our rocky experience with her symptoms, our doctors, and her eventual diagnosis.
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Your story can help others overcome obstacles, or simply provide them with comfort in knowing they are not alone. Fill out the form and we’ll publish your story on this page. Feel free to attach any necessary documents or photos.

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