Look honestly and comprehensively at the future care needs of your special-needs loved one. Assess their current abilities, challenges, and anticipated needs as they age. Identify available options and determine the path to protecting your entire family’s future. This includes outlining goals, setting priorities, and establishing a roadmap for long-term care and financial planning. Evaluate estate solutions. Consult with legal professionals to establish necessary legal documents such as wills, trusts, guardianship arrangements, and powers of attorney to ensure your loved one’s future care and financial security. Identify supplemental resources. Research and understand government benefits and programs available for individuals with special needs, such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, Medicare, and vocational rehabilitation services. Chronicle your loved one’s special story. Keep detailed records of their medical history, preferences, abilities, and personal interests. Documenting their journey can provide valuable insights for future caregivers and support providers. Evaluate future options for your loved one. Explore transition planning services, educational opportunities, vocational training programs, employment options, and residential choices suited to their abilities and preferences. Explore funding options for your future planning. Investigate various financial strategies such as special needs trusts, ABLE accounts, life insurance, and retirement planning to ensure sufficient financial resources are available to meet your loved one’s long-term needs. Engage in annual review. Regularly revisit and update your care and financial plans to reflect changes in your loved one’s needs, family circumstances, and relevant laws or regulations. Stay proactive in ensuring your plans remain aligned with your goals and objectives for their future well-being.
Take a Candid Look
Create the Future Map
Filter the Legal Options
Capture Potential Benefits
Document the Wonder
Begin the Transition
Fund the Future
Review and Renew