Articles & Tools


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Optimize Your Living Space … by Pretending to Move
Learn how you can free up your living and work space to rejuvenate and boost your spirit.
A Conversation with Carrie: A College Success Story Continues!
An inspiring look at one special young woman’s accomplishments!


Careers / Employment Legal
Caregivers / Support Recreation
Child Care Residential / Housing
Education Special Needs Planning
Family Relationships Spotlight on Disabilities
Financial Transition
Government Benefits Travel
Healthcare & Wellness Tools



 Child Care


 Family Relationships


 Government Benefits

  • State of the States in  Developmental Disabilities Project
    • Administered by the University of Colorado Department of Psychiatry. You can access nationwide longitudinal financial and programmatic trends in interllectual and developmental disability services. This is an interactive stie that allows you to look at a particular state or compare states.

 Healthcare & Wellness






 Special Needs Planning

 Spotlight on Disabilities


