Directory List

Welcome to Your Special Needs Directory List

When you’re caring for a family member with special needs, having extra help is always appreciated. Here you’ll find an abundance of useful resources to help you in every aspect of the care and development of your loved one.

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  • A Voice of Reason
    VOR is a national, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to ensuring that people with mental retardation and their families are able to access a full array of quality residential services and support options, including community and facility-based care.

  • ACA, American Counseling Assocaition
    The American Counseling Association is a not-for-profit, professional and educational organization that is dedicated to the growth and enhancement of the counseling profession. Founded in 1952, ACA is the world’s largest association exclusively representing professional counselors in various practice settings

  • accessABILITY Center for Independent Living, Inc.
    Our mission is to support all people with any type of disability and age to live more independently in the setting of their choice, improve the overall quality of life and remove community barriers to inclusion. Since 1987, we have assisted over 15,000 people with disabilities in Central Indiana.

  • Alliance of Claims Professionals
    The Alliance of Claims Assistance Professionals (ACAP) is a nationally recognized association of independent Claims Assistance Professionals (CAP). Our members provide medical claims assistance and patient advocacy to individuals and businesses across the country.  Claims Assistance Professional Services include: challenging denials of claims by insurance companies, negotiate with providers on patient balances, review medical bills and determine proper payment, review balance billing practices, negotiate providers fees for uninsured patients or procedures, file various types of insurance claims, and more.

  • Alliance of Genetic Support Groups
    Genetic Alliance is a coalition of more than 600 advocacy organizations serving 25 million people affected by 1000 conditions. The organization works to transform leadership in the genetics community to build capacity in advocacy organizations and to educate policymakers by leveraging the voices of individuals and families. Genetic Alliance increases the capacity of genetic advocacy organizations to achieve their missions and leverages the voices of millions of individuals and families living with genetic conditions.

  • AltaPointe Health
    In 2019, Mobile Arc (MARC), a non-profit founded in 1956 in Mobile by a group of parents whose children had intellectual disabilities, merged with AltaPointe Health. More than 400 individuals at two locations and five residences in Mobile County can participate in a variety of services through day, residential and supported employment programs.

  • Angelman Syndrome Foundation
    The Angelman Syndrome Foundation is a national organization of families, caregivers and professionals who care about those with Angelman Syndrome. It is a member organization of the International Angelman Syndrome Organization (IASO). As described in our by-laws, ASF’s Mission is to advance the awareness and treatment of Angelman Syndrome through education and information, research, and support for individuals with Angelman Syndrome, their families, and other concerned parties.

  • Anna’s Celebration of Life Foundation
    Anna’s Celebration of Life Foundation is a nonprofit organization that raises money to assist kids with special needs. We purchase items such as adaptive bikes, therapy balls, wheel chair ramps etc. that otherwise would not be obtainable due to insurance issues or financial situations. We are proud that we are close to helping our 100th child celebrate their “specialness”. Please visit our website to find out ways to help us fulfill our mission or to refer a child with special needs.

  • Arc of Chester County
    The mission of The Arc of Chester County is to advocate, educate and provide services to empower individuals with disabilities and their families to enhance the quality of their lives. The Arc offers programs and services in the following areas: early intervention, employment, advocacy, life skills training, community habilitation, camps, housing, transportation, autism training and support and housing options.

  • Arc of Illinois
    The Arc of Illinois truly believes that we are all people first and because of that, regardless of any developmental or intellectual differences, everyone deserves the same rights and opportunities. In order to do this we regularly host events that bring in family members, self advocates, and professionals in the field to educate them on the latest and best practices. The Arc of Illinois also provides updates on a daily basis on all issues involving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In addition to this, The Arc of Illinois has many different programs that are there to provide a plethora of resources to help each family member, advocate, and professional with their questions.

  • Arc of Meriden- Wallingford, Inc.
    Welcome to the Arc of Meriden-Wallingford where we provide advocacy, residential, recreational, community and employment services to adults with intellectual, developmental and cognitive disabilities. Our site includes a complete overview of our services as well as many of the programs that generate funds for our organization.

  • AT Network of California
    The AT Network is dedicated to expanding the accessibility of tools, resources and technology that will help increase independence, improve personal productivity and enhance the quality of life for all Californians.

  • Autism Society of Alabama
    Our mission is to improve services for persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families through education and advocacy.

  • Autism Society of Hawaii
    The Autism Society of Hawaii was re-established in 1992 as a chapter affiliate of the Autism Society of America. The Society is composed of family members, individuals with autism spectrum disorders, professionals and community agencies and organizations. The Autism Society of Hawaii is committed to educating service providers and the community about autism spectrum disorders, as well as advocating for and supporting individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families.

  • Autism Society of Northern Virginia
    The Autism Society of Northern Virginia serves individuals and families in the region who have been touched by autism by providing a range of services and supports including information and referral assistance, advocacy and education, family fun and respite, and Intervention Assistance Fund mini-grants.

  • Autism Spectrum Connection
    We provide resources for families, and medical professionals who deal with the challenges of Asperger Syndrome, Autism, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder / Not Otherwise Specified. (PDD/NOS).

  • Barber National Institute
    Providing hope and opportunity to individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities or behavioral health challenges is the mission of the Barber National Institute.  We offer a range of education, job training, residential and behavioral health services to more than 7,300 children and adults and their families from our main campus in Erie, PA, and in the Northwestern Pennsylvania, Central Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia regions, as well as training and development to professionals around the world.

  • Barton Educational Consulting
    Advocacy and consulting services for students pre K through college and career. Diagnosis, IEP, 504 plans, Transition Planning, Assistive Technology, Behavior Plans, Privat School Placements, Spectrum, College Planning

  • Behavioral Perspective Inc. (BPI) Adult Services
    Behavioral Perspective Inc. began with a simple belief that utilizing high quality Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) with a team of passionate, dedicated staff would yield maximum gains. BPI’s programming is individualized – based on the needs, strengths and priorities of each client and their families. BPI meets every family right where they are, providing ongoing support and teaching valuable new skills that families can implement permanently. BPI provides ABA therapy and Adult Services through ongoing assessments and updated priorities. Medicaid Waivers for service are accepted.
    Autism Therapies & Services in Chicago IL, Columbia MO, Austin TX | BPI
    Adult Services Throughout Illinois | BPI
    Parent Academy – Autism Support | BPI

  • Blind Babies Foundation
    Young children in Central and Northern California who are blind or visually impaired and may have additional disabilities receive critical early intervention and education services from Blind Babies Foundation, a program of Wayfinder Family Services. Children increase visual functioning, sensory awareness, communication and social skills, as well as improve physical, cognitive and emotional development. Families learn to become successful advocates for their children’s education and care. Our vision impairment specialists collaborate with family members, medical professionals, caregivers and teachers.

  • Board of Election Commissioners for the City of Chicago
    Voting/Voters/Election information.

  • Brain Injury Alliance of WI
    The Brain Injury Alliance of Wisconsin (BIAW) is a nonprofit, 501 (c) 3 organization committed to serving individuals with an acquired brain injury and their families. The association was formed in 1980 by a group of individuals with brain injury, their family members, friends and professionals in response to the lack of available services specific to the unique needs of individuals with brain injury. BIAW is a chartered member affiliate of the national Brain Injury Alliance, Inc.

  • Break Through Inc.
    “Our mission is one of rehabilitation education and advocacy for and about people with disabilities to encourage and enlighten the public about people with disabilities in that they are people first and have rights and needs and that they also have gifts and talents to bring to the community.” Speaker on Disabilities-Advocacy- Disability-Awareness Providing Presentations & Training Programs * Many speaking and training programs available. * Staff development programs * Themes focus on diversity, motivation, and sensitivity training. * Programs can be personalized to your specific need or we can develop a new one to fit your situation.

  • Cape Cod Advocate
    Guiding families through the education process for students with learning challenges.

  • Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind
    Chicago Lighthouse Industries’ Mission is to provide adjustment to blindness, training, job placement opportunities and continuous employment for visually impaired individuals including those with additional disabilities that will lead to achieving their maximum potential through the development, production and marketing of products and services that meet the highest quality standards using modern production methods and technology.

  • Child’s Path
    Child’s Path mission is to provide an individualized therapeutic program for children with unique learning needs that help them on their journey to becoming independent, life-long learners.

  • Children’s Home & Aid – Illinois
    Children’s Home & Aid is a leading child and family service agency in Illinois.  We help children recover their health, their hope, and their faith in the people around them.  We link children to a network of opportunity and care, to extended family, teachers, mentors, and the resources of their neighborhood and community. For 135 years, we go wherever children and families need us, and where that work has been proven to be most effective: at home, in the classroom, in the neighborhood, in the course of daily life. Our offices are located across Illinois and serve more than 40,000 children and families each year in over 60 counties.

  • Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Paralysis Resource Center
    The Paralysis Resource Center (PRC) is the support side of the Reeve Foundation’s twin missions to provide “Today’s Care” and to strive for “Tomorrow’s Cure”. We are a free, comprehensive, national source of informational support for people living with paralysis and their caregivers. Our primary goals are to foster involvement in the community, promote health and improve quality of life.  Our information specialists are trained to help anyone – from newly paralyzed individuals and their family members, to persons who have lived with disabilities for quite some time – as they attempt to navigate their changing world and the services available to them. We pull from a wide array of information and expertise to devise personalized plans and approaches to getting individuals living with paralysis back into their communities and a place of well-being quickly.

  • Colorado Civil Rights Division
    DORA is dedicated to preserving the integrity of the marketplace and is committed to promoting a fair and competitive business environment in Colorado. Consumer protection is our mission.

  • Community Access Unlimited
    Activities are provided to help an individual or small group obtain and maintain a job in competitive or customized employment, or minimum wage and received benefits paid by the employer.

  • Community Alternatives Unlimited
    Community Alternatives Unlimited (CAU) is a private not-for-profit organization, incorporated in the state of Illinois as a 501(c)3. CAU is the first case management agency in Illinois that provides independent case management services to individuals with a wide range of disabilities, including developmental disabilities, mental health needs, hearing, visual and physical impairments.

  • Community Residential Services Association
    The COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL SERVICES ASSOCIATION represents and supports Washington community-based residential provider organizations in order to enhance the quality of life for people with developmental disabilities in Washington state.

  • Connecticut Department of Social Services, Vocational & Rehabilitation Agency
    The Department of Social Services provides a broad range of services to the elderly, disabled, families, and individuals who need assistance in maintaining or achieving their full potential for self-direction, self-reliance and independent living.

  • COPAA The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates
    The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Inc. (COPAA) is an independent, nonprofit, §501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization of attorneys, special education advocates and parents. COPAA’s mission is to be a national voice for special education rights and to promote excellence in advocacy. Our primary goal is to secure high quality educational services for children with disabilities.

  • DaVita
    DaVita provides dialysis services for those diagnosed with chronic kidney failure, a condition also known as chronic kidney disease (CKD). We have over 1,300 outpatient dialysis facilities and acute units in over 700 hospitals. We are located in 43 states and the District of Columbia, serving approximately 103,000 patients. All this makes us the largest independent provider of dialysis services in the United States. Though we’re proud of this standing, we have set our sights on a higher goal. We want to be the greatest dialysis company the world has ever seen. And we’re accomplishing this through a shared commitment to our mission and values.

  • Delaware Health & Social Services
    Mission Statement: “To improve the quality of life for Delaware’s citizens by promoting health and well-being, fostering self-sufficiency, and protecting vulnerable populations.” Vision Statement: “Together we provide quality services as we create a better future for the people of Delaware.”

  • Department of Fair Employment and Housing of California
    The Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) is the largest state civil rights agency in the country. It was established by the Legislature in 1959 as the Division of Fair Employment Practices and was initially part of the Department of Industrial Relations.

  • Desert Area Resources & Training
    Our mission is to provide services and opportunities to people who have developmental disabilities or other special needs, so they and their families can pursue the dreams and lifestyles they choose.

  • Desert Regional Medical Center
    As the regional medical center in the Coachella Valley, Desert Regional Medical Center’s vision is the continuous improvement of the health and well-being of the communities we serve. A commitment to clinical excellence shall be demonstrated through measurable quality outcomes, while ongoing financial stability will enable Desert Regional Medical Center to fulfill its mission and attain its vision.

  • Disability Rights New Jersey
    Provide legal and non-legal advoacy services for individuals with disabilities who reside in the state of New Jersey.

  • District of Columbia Fair Employment Practice Agencies
    Investigates and discrimination complaints.

  • Down Syndrome, National Association
    NADS is the oldest organization in the country serving individuals with Down syndrome and their families.

  • Early Childhood Development Association of Washington
    The purpose of the organization is to provide communication, education and dissemination of information concerning early childhood development and to provide support for existing early childhood programs and foster development of new programs. The emphasis is on promoting quality programs and services for children who have developmental disabilities.

  • Education-A-Must Inc.
    Education-A-Must Inc. is a nonprofit corporation providing advocate services for the child or youth with physical, emotional, behavioral, Autism or learning disabilities. Our goal is to assist parents and caregivers in finding help for the child with special needs. EAM works with local, state and federal agencies to secure the necessary services and education for all who qualify. We become your team player at the school meetings.

  • El Valor
    El Valor is a non-profit community-based organization founded in 1973. El Valor is the first bilingual, bicultural rehabilitation center in Illinois. Their strategic goals are: to be the best in the nation in early childhood care in the Hispanic community; to become the premier organization developing leadership for the Hispanic community; and to be an international model for inclusion of people with disabilities in the Hispanic community.

  • Envision Unlimited
    For over 50 years, Envision Unlimited has served people with disabilities across all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Today, our wide array of home and community-based programs benefit over 1,500 individuals across the state of Illinois. Envision provides day programs, community living services, employment services, a foster care program, and mental health services.

  • Epilepsy Foundation Eastern PA
    The Epilepsy Foundation Eastern Pennsylvania is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) voluntary health organization that provides education, support and advocacy for people with epilepsy and their families. The Epilepsy Foundation Eastern Pennsylvania also promotes understanding of seizure disorders through a wide variety of programs presented to business, government and school communities, professional audiences, and the general public.

  • Epilepsy Foundation North/Central Illinois
    The Epilepsy Foundation North/Central Illinois will ensure that people with seizures are able to participate in all life experiences; and will prevent, control, and cure epilepsy through services, education, advocacy and research. We serve the following counties in North/Central Illinois: Boone, Bureau, Carroll, DeKalb, Henry, Jo Daviess, Fulton, Henderson, Knox, LaSalle, Lee, McHenry, Marshall, McDonough, Mercer, Ogle, Peoria, Putnam, Rock Island, Stark, Stephenson, Warren, Whiteside, Winnebago.

  • Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago
    Provides referral, education, outreach, advocacy, casemanagement, medical clinics, pharmaceutical assistance referral, vocational counseling, and support groups. Also provides employment and educational advocacy to those dealing with epilepsy and seizure disorder.

  • Equip For Equality
    The mission of Equip for Equality is to advance the human and civil rights of children and adults with physical and mental disabilities in Illinois. It is the only statewide, cross-disability, comprehensive advocacy organization providing self-advocacy assistance, legal services, and disability rights education while also engaging in public policy and legislative advocacy and conducting abuse investigations and other oversight activities.

  • Family Care Council of Florida
    The mission of the Family Care Council of Florida is to advocate, educate, and empower individuals with developmental disabilities and thier families, partnering with The Agency for Persons with Disabilities, to bring quality services to individuals for dignity and choice.

  • Family Matters Parent Training and Information Center
    We are a Parent Training and Information Center. We assist parents of children with disabilities to be informed participants in the special education process. We assist students with disabilities to understand their rights and responsibilities. We supply information to teachers and other professionals who provide special education and related services to children with disabilities. Centers in IL. Family Matters covers 94 counties in Illinois, all except Cook, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will (there is another PTIC that covers these counties). Family Matters provides support, advocacy, information, education, and trainings related to special education.

  • Family Navigator/Advocate For Charles County, MD
    I teach parents how to advocate for their children with special needs and am a parent support. I also started the first Charles County, Maryland Parent Think Tank Group for parents of children with special needs. I am there to help in any way possible.

  • Family Resource Center on Disabilities (FRCD)
    FRCD was organized in 1969 by parents, professionals, and volunteers who sought to improve services for all children with disabilities.

  • FEGS Human and Health Services
    Long Island, NY region ONLY. FEGS is a UJA Federation agency that provides health and human services across the board. With partial grant funding from the Butler Foundation through UJA Federation, the Family Advocacy Information and Referral (or FAIR) program allows for a list of services to families with children, of any age, who have intellectual (cognitive) and developmental delays and/or learning differences. Such services are: I/R (information and referral), guidance and advocacy for C(P)SE meetings, guidance and advocacy for navigating the government systems such as Medicaid and SS(D)I, transitional case management from Early Intervention through post high school planning, assistance in applying for OPWDD eligibility and other LIDDSO services. FAIR also provides workshops for parents and trainings for professionals related to any topic in the special needs arena.

  • Florida Fair Employment Practice Agency
    The mission of the Commission is to prevent unlawful discrimination by ensuring people in Florida are treated fairly and are given access to opportunities in employment, housing, and certain public accommodations; and to promote mutual respect among groups through education and partnerships.

  • Freedom Resource Center
    We are a disability rights organization. The Misssion of Freedom Resource Center for Independent Living is to work toward equality and inclusion for people with disabilities through programs of empowerment, community education and systems change.

  • Georgia Commission on Equal Opportunity, Fair Housing & Equal Employment Division
    The Fair Housing Division of the Commission enforces the Georgia Fair Housing Law, which prohibits various forms of discrimination in residential real estate transactions on the basis of race, sex, religion, disability, national origin, familial status or color.

  • Granite State Independent Living
    Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) is a statewide non-profit that recognizes the fact that all of us will need some type of support in the course of our lives. We offer the tools and resources so that individuals can participate as fully as they choose in their lives, families, and communities.

  • Hawaii Fair Employment Practice Agency
    The state of Hawaii has a strong commitment to the protection of civil rights. Article I, Section 5 of the Hawaii Constitution provides that “no person shall be denied the enjoyment of civil rights or be discriminated against in the exercise thereof because of race, religion, sex or ancestry.”

  • Hawaii Protection and Advocacy Agency
    HDRC is the designated Client Assistance Program (CAP) and Protection and Advocacy (P&A) System for Hawaii’s estimated 180,000 residents with disabilities. We strive to serve as many individuals with disabilities with as many different legal rights issues as our resources will allow; and to achieve the following outcomes to advance the human, civil and legal rights of people with disabilities.

  • Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
    VR is a state-federal program whose goal is to assist people with disabilities to prepare, secure, retain or regain employment. Our Vision: “Your Success at work means our work is a success.” Our Mission: “Preparing individuals with disabilities for employment and community enrichment.”

  • Idaho Human Rights Commission, Fair Employment Agency
    The Idaho Commission on Human Rights administers state and federal anti-discrimination laws in Idaho in a manner that is fair, accurate, and timely. Our commission works towards ensuring that all people within the state are treated with dignity and respect in their places of employment, housing, education, and public accommodations.

  • Illinios Valley Center For Independent Living
    An organization made up of persons with disabilities who enlighten other persons with disabilities and their families about their rights; to empower persons with disabilities to assume maximum responsibility to realize their potentials; and to enrich the lives of all person in Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, Putnam and Stark counties in Illinois, by working toward full inclusion of each individual in society. Services provided: Systems and Individual Advocacy, Peer Counseling, Independent Living Skills Training and Information and Referral. Programs offered: Deaf Services, Community Reintegration, Personal Assistant and Youth Services.

  • Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
    Created in 1979, the Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission protects the rights and promotes the welfare of persons with disabilities.

  • Illinois Life Span
    Statewide Information Resource & Referral for Advocacy & Services for People with Developmental Disabilities.

    IN*SOURCE, the Indiana Resource Center for Families with Special Needs, was incorporated in 1975 under the name of Task Force on Education for the Handicapped, Inc. It is governed by a Board of Directors. The mission of IN*SOURCE is to provide parents, families, and service providers in Indiana with the information and training necessary to help assure effective educational programs and appropriate services for children and young adults with disabilities.

  • IndependenceFirst
    Independent Living Center serving Milwaukee, Waukesha, Washington and Ozaukee counties in Wisconsin. We provide advocacy, coalition building, independent living serivces and education (information and referral) for people with disabilities of all kinds, all ages, all backgrounds.

  • Indiana Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
    The Indiana Governor’s Council is an independent state agency that facilitates change. Our mission is to promote public policy which leads to the independence, productivity and inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of society. This mission is accomplished through planning, evaluation, collaboration, education, research and advocacy.

  • Indiana Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health
    The Indiana Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health is the first statewide not-for-profit organization dedicated exclusively to the field of children’s mental health.  The vision of IFFCMH is to empower, support and educate families coping with children’s mental health issues.  Through outreach, inter-agency collaboration, and community resources, IFFCMH will strive to make every childhood the best it can be.  IFFCMH will work with families to bring their voice to child-serving groups, schools, government agencies, the justice system and all other organizations, so our families receive the support they need.

  • Indiana Parent Information Association
    Welcome to About Special Kids (formerly the Indiana Parent Information Network)! About Special Kids is a “Parent to Parent” organization that works throughout the state of Indiana to answer questions and provide support, information and resources.

  • Iowa Civil Rights Commission
    The Commission’s major duty is to enforce state and federal statutes that prohibit discrimination in employment, public accommodations, housing, education and credit by investigating and litigating civil rights complaints.

  • Kachina Point Rehabilitation Hospital
    At Kachina Point Rehabilitation Hospital, we take care, provide comfort and rehabilitation every step of the way. Our skilled nursing and rehabilitation staff works closely with physicians to make sure that your loved one gets the best care and medical treatment needed. Our skilled nursing facility boasts over 112 beds that serves Sedona and surrounding areas.  We know that the transition between home and nursing facility can be a stressful one. Because of this, our friendly staff of volunteers, nurses, physicians, caregivers, and many others make sure that your loved one feels comfortable and at home.

  • Kansas- Heartspring
    A residential school for children with Autism and other developmental disabilities. Heartspring provides greater independence for children with disabilities through the Heartspring School, Heartspring Pediatric Services, the Heartspring Hearing Center, consultation services and Heartspring World Reach.

  • Lake County Center for Independent Living (LCCIL)
    Lake County Center for Independent Living is a disability rights organization governed and staffed by a majority of people with disabilities. Lake County Center for Independent Living offers services and advocacy that promote a fully accessible society, which expects participation by persons with disabilities

  • Law Office of Torin D. Togut
    Provides legal advice, information, and representation to families of children with disabilities in all 159 counties of Georgia

  • Leadership in Disabilities & Achievement of Hawaii
    Leadership in Disabilities & Achievement of Hawaii (LDAH) serves to benefit children with any disabilities by working with their parents and families. We teach about law protecting children’s rights. We help youth with disabilities become self-advocates. We advocate for parents on behalf of their children. We provide education on disabilities and early identification and intervention for little children who may have a developmental delay or disability. Early intervention is truly a fundamental key to the success of children in school and in life.

  • League of Human Dignity – Centers for Independent Living
    The League of Human Dignity is a consumer based nonprofit organization, whose mission is to promote the full integration of persons with disabilities into society. To this end, we will advocate for their needs and rights, while providing quality services to assist them in becoming and remaining independent citizens. To learn more about the League, League services, or locate your local League Center visit our website or find us on Facebook.

  • Life’s Plan, Inc.
    Life’s Plan, Inc. operates trust options for meeting the supplemental service needs of people with disabilities and the elderly without jeopardizing state and federal entitlements.

  • Little Brothers, Friends of the Elderly
    Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly is a national network of non-profit volunteer-based organizations committed to relieving isolation and loneliness among the elderly. We offer to people of goodwill the opportunity to join the elderly in friendship and celebration of life.

  • Maryland Fair Employment Practice Agency
    Our mission is to ensure equal opportunity to all through the enforcement of Marylands laws against discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations; to provide education and outreach services related to the provisions of this lwa, and to promote and improve human relations in Maryland.

  • Metropolitan Center for Independent Living
    MCIL is a Twin Cities metro-based, non-profit 501.c.3 consumer-directed organization founded in 1981. MCIL is dedicated to the full promotion of the Independent Living (IL) philosophy by supporting individuals with disabilities in their personal efforts to pursue self-directed lives. Being “consumer-directed” means that the majority of decision-making employees (88%) and members of our board of directors (90%) are individuals with disabilities.

  • Miami Lighthouse for the Blind
    Miami Lighthouse has an experienced management team. Its CEO and other senior management have demonstrated outstanding professional acumen in their respective fields. This team is dedicated to offering the most effective state-of-the-art techniques and care to persons who are blind or severely visually impaired, as well as its new initiative in eye wellness.

  • Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
    The DHS is Michigan’s public assistance, child and family welfare agency. DHS directs the operations of public assistance and service programs through a network of over 100 county departments of human service offices around the state.

  • Michigan Education Law Center
    A Michigan based professional LLC providing parents, students, teachers, and administrators with law related resources

  • Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, Inc.
    Our goal is to advance the dignity, equality, self-determination, and expressed choices of individuals. Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc. (MPAS) promotes, expands and protects the human and legal rights of people by providing them with information and advocacy.

  • Minnesota Employment Practice Agency
    Our vision and mission is to make michigan a disrimination free state.

  • MN Star Program
    A System of Technology to Achieve Results (STAR) is located within the Minnesota Department of Administration. STAR’s mission is to help ALL MINNESOTANS with disabilities gain access to and acquire the assistive technology they need to live, learn, work and play. The Minnesota STAR Program is federally funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration in accordance with the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended (P.L. 108-364).

  • MN State Council on Disability
    The Minnesota State Council on Disability is an agency that advises, provides technical assistance, collaborates and advocates to expand opportunities, improve the quality of life and empower all persons with disabilities.

  • Mothers From Hell 2
    Mothers From Hell 2 (MFH2) is a grass-roots parent advocacy group, fighting for the appropriate education, community acceptance, desperately needed services, rights of, and entitlements for individuals with disabilities. We offer support and empowerment for families of individuals with special needs.

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness
    NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots organization for people with mental illness and their families. Founded in 1979, NAMI has affiliates in every state and in more than 1,100 local communities across the country. NAMI is dedicated to the eradication of mental illnesses and to the improvement of the quality of life for persons of all ages who are affected by mental illnesses. NAMI members and friends work to fulfill our mission by providing support, education, and advocacy.

  • National Association of Private Special Education Centers
    Are you looking for an appropriate private special education placement for your child or client? Try NAPSEC’s free referral service! NAPSEC offers this service to parents and professionals who are looking for a placement for their child or client. Call (202) 408-3338 or e-mail

  • National Council on Disability
    The National Council on Disability (NCD) is an independent federal agency making recommendations to the President and Congress to enhance the quality of life for all Americans with disabilities and their families.

  • National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
    We are the center that provides information to the nation on: disabilities in children and youth; programs and services for infants, children, and youth with disabilities; IDEA, the nation’s special education law; No Child Left Behind, the nation’s general education law; and research-based information on effective practices for children with disabilities.

  • National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD)
    Mission Statement: The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), a 501(c)3 organization, is a unique federation of voluntary health organizations dedicated to helping people with rare “orphan” diseases and assisting the organizations that serve them. NORD is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and service.

  • Nebraska Fair Employment Practice Agency
    The Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission is a neutral administrative agency created by statute in 1965 to enforce the public policy of the state against discrimination. The principal function of the NEOC is to receive, investigate and pass upon charges of unlawful discrimination occurring anywhere within the State of Nebraska in the areas of Employment, Housing, and Public Accommodations.

  • New American Movement for People With Disabilites
    The New American Movement for People with Disabilities is a movement committed to changing the social,political, and economic structure of our society so that all of us can live in it with pride as equals regardless of gender orientation, religion, income or disability status.

  • New Hampshire Aging and Disabilities Resource Centers
    The New Hampshire Aging and Disabilities Resource Centers offer aging and disability services, including: Information and assistance, Care management, Nutrition services (i.e., Meals on Wheels), Legal assistance, and Services for family caregivers through the Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP).

  • New Hope Services
    Some of New Hopes Specific services and programs include adult servicves, affordable housing, Child Advocacy and parental support, childcare, employment services, family preservation, health families, job traing centers, and supported living.

  • New Jersey Department of Human Services
    The New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) serves more than one million of New Jersey‘s most vulnerable citizens, or about one of every eight New Jersey residents. DHS serves individuals and families with low incomes; people with mental illnesses, developmental disabilities, or late-onset disabilities; people who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind; parents needing child care services, child support and/or healthcare for their children; and families facing catastrophic medical expenses for their children.

  • New York State Department of Labor
    The New York State Department of Labor is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

  • NJ-211 Partnership
    Give referrals to resources in the area, as well as assistance with natural disaster relief and intervention with FEMA.

  • North Dakota Department of Labor
    The North Dakota Department of Labor is responsible for enforcing North Dakota labor and human rights laws and for educating the public about these laws.

  • Orange Grove Center
    Orange Grove Center was established in 1953 by parents of children with intellectual disabilities, to provide educational opportunities, and needed supports across the lifespan. The center offers a full array of services to approximately 700 children and adults, including education, vocational opportunities, residential options, therapy and health care services, recreation, counseling and a robust research portfolio with university affiliations.

  • Pacer Center Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights
    The mission of PACER Center is to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life of children and young adults with disabilities and their families, based on the concept of parents helping parents.

  • Paralyzed Veterans of America
    Paralyzed Veterans of America works to maximize the quality of life for its members and all people with SCI/D as a leading advocate for health care, SCI/D research and education, veterans’ benefits and rights, accessibility and the removal of architectural barriers, sports programs, and disability rights.

  • Parent Network of WNY
    Parent Network of WNY is a community resource for families of individuals with special needs and for professionals who work with these families. Parent Network’s goal is to empower families to successfully advocate for their children with special needs and to see that they receive proper care and education by offering seminars, workshops, conferences, information and referral services and resources. Parent Network is designated as a Technical Assistance Parent Center by NYS Education Department and receives funding from several sources.

  • Parents Helping Parents
    Parents Helping Parents (PHP) provides lifetime guidance, supports and services to families of children with any special need and the professionals who serve them.

  • Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission Agency
    Discrimination, prejudice and bias. Three words that can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. Our purpose is to provide you with answers to questions that you may have about the Commission, our procedures and our role within Pennsylvania: investigating complaints of discrimination and monitoring bias-related crimes and tension within our communities.

  • People First of Illinois
    People First of Illinois is committed to empowering people with disabilities to make their own decisions and choices and to speak for themselves. We will continue to advocate to improve the lives of people with disabilities in our state, and will work to ensure that persons with disabilities are treated equally and are active members of their community.

  • People Services
    The mission of People Services, Inc., is to serve as the local community agency, providing the delivery of quality services for people with disabilities. Our purpose it to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities by providing services that promote life exploration and informed choices. To offer an array of service options that are designed to meet the needs, wants and desires of the person served.

  • Peoria County Developmental Screenings
    Serving children ages birth to 5 in Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Henry and Stark counties. Assisting families with screening, resources, and finding services for children with delays or disabilities.

  • Pioneer Center
    Pioneer Center for Human Services is a not-for-profit agency that provides services to over 1600 individuals annually in McHenry County. Pioneer Center for Human Services serves persons with developmental disabilities, mental illness, traumatic brain injury and provides early intervention therapies for children from birth to age five. It also serves victims of sexual assault through the VOICE program and homeless men, women and children through the PADS program. Our Mission is to work with children and adults to explore opportunities for personal accomplishment through education, vocational and community participation.

  • Prosperity Life Planning, Inc.
    As a nonprofit organization, we offer free consultations to parents and free workshops to organizations to educate families about the special needs planning process. If retained as advocates for a nominal , tax-deductible fee, we work with numerous area professionals, including attorneys, benefit consultants, education advocates, therapists, tax and financial personnel, to guide the family from start to finish and create a more protected future for the special needs person and the family as a whole. As parents ourselves, we have spoken before thousands of parents over the past 17 years. Advocacy services available nationwide.

  • Protected Tomorrows, Inc.
    Protected Tomorrows is a uniquely qualified advocacy company serving the special needs community. Advocates create Future Care Plans on behalf of individuals with disabilities to enhance their lives. Protected Tomorrows identifies, designs, and implements solutions to Life Planning, such as healthcare, residential, employment, recreation and fiscal challenges.

  • Protection and Advocacy Agency of Indiana
    IPAS was created in 1977 by state law (IC. 12-28-1-6 as amended) to protect and advocate the rights of people with disabilities and is Indiana’s federally designated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) system and client assistance program. It is an independent state agency, which receives no state funding and is independent from all service providers, as required by federal and state law.

  • Ray Graham Association
    Since 1950, Ray Graham Association for People with Disabilities has been supporting children and adults with developmental disabilities. Today, Ray Graham Association serves…children and adults…providing developmental, recreational, residential, respite and vocational services.

  • Regional ADA Technical Assitance Agency
    The DBTAC: Great Lakes ADA Center provides information, problem solving assistance and referrals for implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other related laws.

  • Resources for Community Living
    Resources for Community Living (RCL) offers adults with developmental and/or physical disabilities opportunities to achieve greater self-esteem, dignity and participation in all aspects of community life through affordable housing options, individualized skill instruction and necessary support services. RCL utilizes funds to offer innovative services targeted at increasing the independence as well as the quality of life with services that may include affordable housing, homeownership programs, individualized support programs, social groups, vocational services, and rent subsidy programs. To offer adults with developmental and/or physical disabilities opportunities to achieve greater self-esteem, dignity and participation in all aspects of community life through affordable housing options, individualized skill instruction and necessary support services.

  • Rocky Mountain Resource & Training Institute
    The DBTAC: Rocky Mountain ADA Center is one of 10 regional centers funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). Our mission is to provide information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to individuals and organizations. Our core services include: Materials dissemination, Technical assistance on the ADA, Training, Referrals to experts, and Research.

  • Rubicon Programs
    Rubicon Programs is a nationally recognized nonprofit serving the San Francisco Bay Area. Our mission is to create and deliver integrated solutions to profound social problems. Our purpose is to make a positive and lasting impact on people living in poverty and on people living with disabilities, especially psychiatric disabilities. We empower people to move out of poverty and improve their quality of life.

  • Senior Resource Alliance
    Senior Resource AdvisorTM is an online resource for older adults in Central Florida and those who care about them.Our goal is to help you find the information, resources and services you need to make knowledgeable decisions about your future.

  • Service Link
    Provides Links to resources for seniors and adults with special needs.

  • Silver Connections
    Silver Connections is a free service to seniors and their families who are looking for qualified referrals to in-home care, senior communities or other senior services. We take the individual’s personal, medical, financial and geographic needs into account in order to refer them to a service that meets their needs. We can assist people no matter what their financial situation is.

  • Smart Policy Works
    Smart Policy Works provide expert information and know-how that breaks down barriers to health access, public benefits and disability employment. We provide organizations with strategies, policies, project management, training and community-based partnerships that lead to success.  Smart Policy Works’ expertise draws on more than 25 years of experience working with state and federal government, health and community services providers to improve services and supports for people with disabilities. Our continuing education helps organizations create new opportunities for their patients and clients. We unravel complex public benefits programs to expand knowledge and improve practice. Our aim is to provide training and tools that help providers, case managers, social workers and lawyers help others.

  • SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
    Supporting families in New Jersey as advocates and partners in improving education, health, and mental health outcomes for infants, toddlers, children, and youth.

  • Special Education and Vocational Rehabilitation
    The Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities provides the opportunity each year for thousands of disabled New Yorkers to become independent through employment. VESID is an office of the New York State Education Department. We provide services to eligible individuals to prepare them for suitable jobs. We also help people with disabilities who are having difficulty keeping their jobs.

  • Special Kids & Families
    Special Kids & Families is a family-centered Early Intervention Program dedicated to helping children and families reach their full potential. Founded in 1986 by parents of children with developmental delays, Special Kids & Families has expanded to the unique abilities and challenges that all young children present.

  • is a group of local (based in Houston, Texas) as well as national experts in the field of education who are equipped to provide advocacy, research, and organizational support for you, your child, or your community.

  • Spina Bifida Association of Illinois
    The Spina Bifida Association of Illinois® (SBA of IL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with Spina Bifida through direct services, information, referral, research, and public awareness. The SBA of IL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was founded in 1969.

  • Spina Bifida Association of Indiana
    A group of Parents, Adults with Spina Bifida, and dedicated Professionals working together to support and encourage families and individuals throughout Indiana.

  • Susan Miltner Consulting
    Collaborating with families and students from ages three to 25, I offer hope, as we find pragmatic educational, therapeutic, social and emotional solutions. Struggling teens and young adults may need help for substance use or mental health issues. I am an expert in residential treatment facilities, therapeutic boarding schools, wilderness treatment and young adult transitional programs. This knowledge is obtained and updated from extensive contact with key persons in charge of programs, and from frequent travel to visit schools/programs throughout the U.S. I also am well versed in the range of day and private schools for students with learning differences. For students in the public school, I am an advocate in the IEP process. I also collaborate with attorneys regarding residential school placement of students with emotional disturbance (IDEA Federal Law).  I do this work, because positive change happens with targeted educational and therapeutic interventions.

  • Tennessee Voices for Children
    The mission of UCP is to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with disabilities.

  • Texas Parent to Parent
    Texas Parent to Parent is a nonprofit organization created by parents for families of children with disabilities, chronic illness and other special needs throughout the state of Texas. The majority of our staff, Board of Directors, and volunteers are parents of children with disabilities or chronic illness and have many years experience providing parent to parent support.

  • The Arc in Hawaii
    The Arc in Hawaii is part of the largest national organization devoted solely to working on behalf of people with intellectual disabilities.

  • The Arc of Alabama Inc.
    The Arc of Alabama, Inc. is the state advocacy organization for people with cognitive, intellectual, and developmental disabilities and their families. Since 1957, The Arc of Alabama, Inc has represented the interests of people with cognitive, intellectual and developmental disabilities on local, state and national issues.

  • The Arc of Illinois
    The Arc of Illinois is committed to empowering persons with disabilities to achieve full participation in community life through informed choices.

  • The Arc of Monmouth
    The Arc of Monmouth is a non-profit organization in Monmouth County, New Jersey providing services and supports for individuals who have cognitive and developmental disabilities and for their families. The Arc of Monmouth is guided by a volunteer board of directors, and is affiliated with The Arc of New Jersey and The Arc of the United States.

  • The Arc of New Jersey
    The Arc of New Jersey is a statewide, private, nonprofit advocacy organization founded in 1947 by a group of parents who had a vision of building a better quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities and their families.

  • The Arc of Racine
    The Arc of Racine’s mission is to advocate for and provide information and services to improve lives. Our vision is that people with disabilities will exercise their civil rights by being fully integrated and included in the community with lives that are as independent, productive and self -determined as possible.

  • The Arc of Sullivan-Orange Counties
    The Arc Sullivan-Orange Counties, NY is a not-for-profit agency dedicated to providing support and services to over 1,800 people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and to their families in Sullivan and Orange Counties, New York. A chapter of The Arc New York, our main offices are located at 162 East Broadway in Monticello, NY.

  • The Arc of Texas
    Founded in 1950 by a group of parents of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, The Arc of Texas has been instrumental in the creation of virtually every program, service, right, and benefit that is now available to more than half a million Texans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Today, The Arc of Texas continues to advocate for the human rights and self-determination of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in all aspects of society.

  • The Arc Washington State
    The Arc of Washington State’s mission is to promote the education, health, self-sufficiency, self-advocacy, inclusion and choices of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

  • The Mentor ABI Group
    The MENTOR Network is one of shared values and resources, an organization offering those who work with us and those we serve the benefits of a strong national structure. Tying The Network together is a well-defined set of policies, procedures and quality standards that create a level of support and consistency unavailable elsewhere.

  • The New Jersey Alliance for Disabled in Action, Inc.
    The Alliance for Disabled in Action (ADA), Inc. is a private not-for-profit Center for Independent Living, located in Edison, New Jersey USA and serves the counties of Union, Middlesex and Somerset. A Center for Independent Living (CIL) is not a place where people with disabilities live; it is a dynamic membership organization run by people with disabilities for people with disabilities.

  • The University of Montana Rural Institute UCEDD
    Center for Excellence in Disability Education, Research, and Service, is part of the national network of programs funded by the Federal Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) committed to increasing and supporting the independence, productivity, and inclusion of persons with disabilities into the community.

  • Training, Education and Research Institute
    The Training, Education, and Research Institute for persons with developmental disabilities is located in Oceanside, California and offers family support, life quality planning, and a wide range of residential, adult, private school, respite, training and consultation services. Research focus is on staff trainig, profound disability, autism, transition to adulthood, therapeutic and educational intervention/assessment, and special needs families. Visit our website at

  • Unicorn Children’s Foundation
    Unicorn Children’s Foundation is dedicated to supporting education, awareness, and research programs and services that assist children with disorders that result in developmental, communication, and learning challenges through adulthood.

  • United Cerebral Palsy
    United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) is the leading source of information on cerebral palsy and is a pivotal advocate for the rights of persons with any disability. As one of the largest health charities in America, the UCP mission is to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with disabilities through an affiliate network.

  • United Cerebral Palsy of Middle Tennessee
    UCPMidTN focuses on services to individuals of all ages and all types of disabilities, especially those that primarily affect mobility. United Cerebral Palsy of Middle Tennessee also serves as the area clearinghouse for information about the condition known as cerebral palsy.  Our vision is a fully inclusive community, where people with disabilities have access and opportunity to achieve their fullest potential; a community where all persons realize the promise of integration, self-direction, and quality of life choices. We have dedicated resources to the state’s unserved populations; including persons with severe disabilities who are not served by the state’s developmental disability services system.

  • United Spinal Assocation
    United Spinal Association is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of all people living with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D), including veterans, and providing support and information to loved ones, care providers and professionals.  United Spinal transforms the lives of people with SCI/D by:

    • advocating for greater access to healthcare, mobility equipment, public transportation,      rehabilitation, community services and supports, and the built environment
    • Empowering our members with resources, one-on-one assistance, and peer support
    • Promoting independence through employment opportunities and community integration of wheelchair users into mainstream society
  • University of Kentucky UCEDD Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute
    The Human Development Institute, a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service, focuses its efforts on improving lifelong opportunities and services for individuals with disabilities, their families and the community.

  • University of South Carolina UCEDD Center for Disability Resources Dept. of Pediatrics
    For three decades, the University of South Carolina’s School of Medicine has emerged as a national leader in primary care medical education, in pioneering research that improves people’s lives, and in providing humanistic patient care at the bedside.

  • University of the Virgin Islands
    The VIUCEDD was established in October, 1994 to enhance the quality of life of individuals with disabilities and their families and to provide them with the tools necessary to lead productive lives in the community. VIUCEDD also serves as a facilitator for training, connecting organizations with appropriate, qualified local and stateside trainers.

  • University of Wyoming Institute for Disabilities (WIND)
    As a member of the national network of University Centers of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service, WIND provides teaching, research, information services, and technical assistance to the University and Wyoming at large. Its major functions include preparing persons with and without disabilities to live and work in more inclusive communities and providing current information about the broad area of disabilities, particularly in the area of developmental disabilities, to Wyoming residents, students, and professionals.

  • Upstate NY Families for Effective Autism Treatment
    UNYFEAT is the leading not-for-profit advocacy organization for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families in the Rochester area. Anyone is welcome to join UNYFEAT and we especially encourage families new to the diagnosis or area to join us.

  • Vernon Township
    Provides assessment, linkage to services and follow up in the community. Provides preadmission screening for individuals with disabilities entering certain categories of long-term care.

  • Wellspring Personal Care
    Wellspring Personal Care provides services in the home, in an assisted living or nursing home setting, or at the bedside during a hospital stay. We offer care by the hour or on a live-in basis.