Planning Tools and the Recipe for Financial Success

calender-icon November 16, 2022
clock-icon 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Map Unavailable


Sponsored by: Center For Enriched Living
Speaker:   Mary Anne Ehlert, President & Founder, Protected Tomorrows, Inc.

Come join us via Zoom for Mary Anne Ehlert’s presentation: “Planning Tools and the Recipe for Financial Success.”

There are a myriad of tools to us in your planning.  This is often confusing to families.  What makes sense?  What do you use when?  How do you integrate them together?  How do you develop a truly cohesive plan?  We will be discussing:

  • Special Needs Trusts – What are they and how to use them?
  • ABLE Accounts – Should we have one?
  • Government Benefits – How important is it to coordinate with your resources?
  • Insurance Solutions – Health, life, long term care insurances – what do you need?
  • Dream Team – Once the plan is built, how do you communicate it so that it becomes real?
  • How do you develop a plan that is fair and balanced for your whole family?


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