QHow much does it cost to become an Advocate?
AWe have a number of different license packages from which you can choose. Contact us by e-mail at info@protectedtomorrows.com or click here to fill out our contact form and we will be happy to discuss the fee structure with you.
QWhat do I get for my fees?
AProtected Tomorrows fees are broken down into two parts: a license and marketing fee and a training and support fee.
QCan I do the training remotely?
ANo, you must come to Protected Tomorrows corporate offices for in-person training in our LifeCare center. We find that the interaction between new Advocates is invaluable. By sharing ideas and hearing other’s questions and our answers, you enhence the learning process. Further, the networking and support that new Advocates give each other will help you begin your new business. Finally, meeting and working with our support staff is part of the training, as we will be acting as your back office. Understanding how you like to work, and how we can best help you succeed, is part of the discovery process during the time we spend with you. Plus, it is fun!
QWill you give me referrals or customers?
AAbsolutely! In addition to the customers and referrals you receive from doing your own marketing through speeches and expos, we will be providing you with referrals throughout the year. From our online community to the national speeches and trade shows that Protected Tomorrows corporate participates in, we have a steady stream of individual who would like to work with our licensed Advocates.
QI am a teacher/attorney/life planner/nurse/etc. Can I become an Advocate?
AYes. Anyone has the potential to become an Advocate. We have many teachers, social workers, life planners (and more) who have been trained and are successful Advocates. They find that it enriches their practice and allows them to give back to their clients. It helps them touch lives and make a real difference. You can read more about how becoming affiliated with Protected Tomorrows has changed our Advocates lives here.
QI am not a financial planner. What do I do during that stage of the Process?
AThe Process for Protected Tomorrows is not a financial planning process. We do not give financial advice. However, we do train you to help families think about their goals in life so that they can get the maximum benefit out of the time they spend with their financial planner. After completing that part of the process with you, families are ready to consult their financial planner or money manager to help them achieve their goals.
Often families will ask you for a referral because they may not have a financial planner. If you do not have a referral list, we can help direct you to associations and professionals in your area that have extensive experience and work specifically with families that have a member with special needs.
QI don’t have a list of attorneys to refer business to — what can I do?
AThe Process for Protected Tomorrows is not a legal process. We do not give legal advice. However, we do train you to help families think about their goals and gather the necessary information prior to their visit with an attorney. This will help them maximize their benefit and minimize the time and money spent with their attorney.
Often families will ask you for a referral because they may not have an attorney who specializes in the estate planning and special needs arena. If you do not have a referral list, we can help direct you to association and professionals in your area that have extensive experience and work specifically with families that have a member with special needs.